I had a Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO) walk the entire stretch of Northlake 2 days last week. He reported all of the garbage and tents on the trail. He cited 4 vehicles and impounded 1. I contacted SPU for a clean-up. I am waiting to hear back from them on a day PEOS can meet them and assist.
There is no end to this problem. I am sending a PEO weekly who has made it his challenge to get this area under control, but he is limited. Without a means to move the vehicles, the trash and crime will continue. He is PEO Morrow. If you or your tenants see him, please say hello and chat with him. He is more than willing to let everyone know what he is doing and discuss their concerns.
Laura M. Fox #5623
Seattle Parking Enforcement
206-684-4095 (Desk)