Blocked Sidewalks at Emerald Landing again 8-31-21 and response to the incident from Seattle Parking Enforcement the same day in bold:


We just wanted to inform you that the sidewalk is blocked again. Both tents and garbage. In addition to this, there has been suggested drug use. The parking, walkway, and street have needles and various paraphernalia everywhere.  This is getting out of hand. I have notified you, SDOT, reported it online and via the FIFI app.  When I call SPD Non-ER, the wait time can be outrageous and on occasion, I have no gotten anybody to answer. I know everybody is busy, but this is asinine.

Response from Seattle Parking Enforcement

I am sending 2 Parking Enforcement Officers today to look at the site and report to SPU for cleaning.  Any vehicles that can be addressed by Parking Enforcement will be.  They will check for angle parked vehicles, vehicles on the path and speak to any vehicle occupants who are present.

I cannot promise that SPU will schedule a clean, or that SPD Officers will address the crime, or that City contracted outreach workers will move the tents off the path, but I will contact each of the agencies and I will send them any pictures and information the PEOs gather.